

CI's TREP Team is a trusted partner assisting with unique tax, retirement and estate planning concerns. For more information, speak to your CI sales team. 

Quid ex ea quid bonum esse admonere interesse enim ad naturam aut interrogari. Si sine metu degendae praesidia firmissima filium morte multavit si sine causa quae. In oculis quidem rerum facilis est laborum et aperta iudicari etenim quoniam detractis.


Legal and financial professionals with close to 100 years combined experience in accounting, legal and financial planning with expertise in personal and corporate taxation, estate planning, corporate succession, international taxation, retirement preparedness and other tax, retirement and estate planning concepts.

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Facts & Commentary

Federal and provincial budget summaries, personal and corporate tax cards, estate planning reference card and other resources.

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Business Owner

Insights on different ownership structures and impact on wealth planning.                                                                



Issues in owning foreign assets and considerations for foreign taxpayers.                                                                                     


Estate Planning

Wealth and asset transfer considerations.                                                                                                                               


Life & Legacy Planning

How changing relationships, capacity and charitable giving impact wealth planning.                              



Helping investors achieve retirement goals.                                                                                                                            


Tax-efficient Investing

Navigating Canadian tax law to reduce taxes payable.                                                                                                                   

2020 Reference Cards

Looking for rates, limits and other commonly used tax and estate planning facts and figures? The following reference cards can help:


TREP Talks

TREP is proud to host a three-part national webinar series. These webinars cover a range of topics for advisors from tax and retirement planning to estate planning and aim to demonstrate CI GAM’s commitment to being trusted partners in wealth through timely tax, retirement and estate planning discussions. Click below to find TREP Talk resources including webinar replays, summaries, and valuable articles.

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TREP is pleased to host a monthly series of investor-friendly podcasts. These podcasts discuss a range of topics of interest in tax, retirement and estate planning and aim to demonstrate CI GAM’s commitment to being trusted partners in wealth through timely and relevant tax, retirement and estate planning discussions. Click below to find TREP podcasts including replays, summaries, and valuable articles.


Recognized as industry experts, the TREP team has written for, and been quoted in, various media publications. The following links show some of their work in this area.

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Keith Masterman

Keith Masterman


Keith is Vice-President, Tax, Retirement and Estate Planning at CI Global Asset Management Inc. In his role, he is a key technical resource to CI sales and marketing teams on Estate Planning and other general Wealth Planning topics.

Prior to joining the CI family in 2015, Keith was an executive at one of the big five Canadian banks where he worked in a variety of senior roles in risk and estate and trust management within the Private Client Group which provides investment, banking, estate planning and trust administration to high net worth Canadians. While with the bank Keith spent seventeen years in the estate and trust area gaining experience in trust and estate administration and estate planning. Prior to joining the Bank Keith was in the private practice of law where he worked in the estate administration, estate litigation and estate planning field.

Keith received a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from University of Waterloo in 1984, a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from University of Toronto in 1987 and received the Trust and Estate Practitioner designation in 2003. Outside of the office Keith and his wife Chris enjoy spending time with their two adult children, their daughter-in-law and their three grandsons.

Wilmot George Jr.

Wilmot George Jr.


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Rebecca Hett

Rebecca Hett


Please fill Rebecca Description

Funda Dilaver

Funda Dilaver


Please fill intro for Funda Dilaver

Important Disclaimers

This communication is published by CI Global Asset Management Inc. (“CI”). Any commentaries and information contained in this communication are provided as a general source of information and should not be considered personal investment advice. Facts and data provided by CI and other sources are believed to be reliable as at the date of publication.

Certain statements contained in this communication are based in whole or in part on information provided by third parties and CI has taken reasonable steps to ensure their accuracy. Market conditions may change which may impact the information contained in this document.

Information in this communication is not intended to provide legal, accounting, investment or tax advice, and should not be relied upon in that regard. Professional advisors should be consulted prior to acting on the basis of the information contained in this publication.

You may not modify, copy, reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, or commercially exploit in any way any content included in this communication. Unauthorized downloading, retransmission, storage in any medium, copying, redistribution or republication for any purpose is strictly prohibited without the written permission of CI.

CI Global Asset Management® and the CI Global Asset Management design are registered trademarks of CI Global Asset Management Inc. “Trusted Partner in Wealth™” is a trademark of CI Global Asset Management Inc.