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February 26, 2021

A Case for International ETFs

Expanding your Horizon: A Case for International Equities

The past decade has been quite prosperous for U.S. large-cap equities, and investors largely, haven’t had many reasons to invest beyond North America. Recency bias in investing is the tendency for investors to consider recent trends and extrapolate them into the future, but ignoring the long term value of international markets could mean missing out on some of the best run companies in the world!

Considering that certain international markets have better relative containment of COVID-19, and more favourable global trade pacts are expected under a Biden administration, there is an opportunistic case to be made for maintaining or adding a healthy allocation to developed international equities in a strategic portfolio today. 

Let’s discuss some reasons why international equities look compelling.

1. International vs. U.S. markets – A story of cyclicality 

Recency bias aside, the outperformance of international markets vs. the U.S. is cyclical in nature (see chart below).

While U.S. equities have dominated international equities over the past decade, between 2000 and 2010, international markets delivered better returns than their U.S. counterparts amidst two market recessions.

Source: Morningstar Research Inc., as at December 31, 2020.

History tells us mean reversion seems likely at some point, and international ETFs may provide an outlet for taking some chips off the table after an unprecedented rise in U.S. markets.

2. How much international equity is too much?

The exceptional run up in U.S. equities may have created situations in which investors’ portfolios have more U.S. exposure than they are aware of or comfortable with. For example, the weight of U.S. exposure within the MSCI World Index during the past 10 years has been on a steady rise. In 2009, the average weight of U.S. exposure within the MSCI World Index was less than 50%. Fast forward to the end of December 2020, and U.S. exposure was 66%. As a result, investors who have not been consistently rebalancing their portfolios may find themselves with larger allocations to U.S. equities and underweight allocations to international equities. It may be a good time to consider how much U.S. exposure you are comfortable with.

Source: Morningstar Research Inc., from July 31, 2009 to December 31, 2020.

3. Valuation advantage in international ETFs

Developed international equities currently trade at attractive valuations relative to both U.S. and global markets. Valuation expansion will likely be a more significant tailwind for international market returns than U.S. market returns going forward.

Source: Morningstar Research Inc., as at December 31, 2020.

Accessing international markets with CI Global Asset Management

International markets are vast and deep, and investors looking to allocate to international equities may want to consider an active or multi-factor strategy.

CI Global Asset Management offers two distinct and compelling international strategies that have delivered strong-absolute and risk-adjusted returns:  

While it’s impossible to predict what the next decade will look like for international and U.S. markets, the importance of diversification, cyclicality of performance and attractive valuations all make international equities an appealing asset class.


Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with an investment in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Please read the prospectus before investing. Important information about mutual funds and ETFs is contained in their respective prospectus. Mutual funds and ETFs are not guaranteed; their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. You will usually pay brokerage fees to your dealer if you purchase or sell units of an ETF on recognized Canadian exchanges. If the units are purchased or sold on these Canadian exchanges, investors may pay more than the current net asset value when buying units of the ETF and may receive less than the current net asset value when selling them.

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Published February 19, 2021